The Ashland Yeshiva Experience

Come study with Moses, Maimonidies and a couple of guys from Brooklyn 

August 4 - August 13 

At Chabad, 804 Hillview Drive in Ashland

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Last Name                    



I would like to come and study:

Every Day  

Weekly on  

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I would like to study

Other (please describe your preferences in the comments box below).


Optional: I would like to give a donation to be a supporter of the Yeshiva. 

$720 Sponsors A Week Torah Study

$180 Sponsors a Day of Torah Study

$72 Sponsors A Full Session of Torah Study 

$18 Sponsors a Chavrusa of Torah Study

I would like to dedicate the learning in Honor/Memory of:  

Please charge my Credit Card $.00 

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To donate by check please make the check payable to: Chabad Yeshiva Experience- 804 Hillview Drive, Ashland Oregon  97520.

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